What being in a show can accomplish
by Perlie Petrillo
The opportunity to participate in a gallery or special exhibit setting, allows a much wider audience to see a large variety of work and the chance to realize that they too can own original artwork.
Recently I had the opportunity to have my artwork in multiple gallery shows. Happily for me several pieces have sold. I am delighted to report “The KISS” sold. It was in a show at the Center for Spiritual Care located in Vero Beach FL. It is so exciting to think that my artwork will be displayed for many people to enjoy.
My favorite poet is Kahlil Gibran, and I try to read one of his poems from the book the Prophet (since I was 18 years old). Ever since I’ve been learning about spirit guides, chakra’s, the tree of life, and all things spiritual. I recently came across a call for entry in Sacred Threads. I decided to create a spiritual awakening moment, surrounded by the symbols for the chakra’s and a tree of life connected to the earth and the sky. I created the lotus flower, painted and embellished with gold inlay. My artist statement is a poem I’ve read called Breathe, and that’s the name of this meaningful piece to me.
I have several other pieces in this show as well.
The Kiss
The show is on until April 30, 2024, located at 1550 24th Street, Vero Beach, Florida. I hope you get a chance to go and be delighted by great artwork.
I also have several other pieces in this wondersul show and they are:
Breathe, Arrival, I hope you Dance and Reflections
In addition to this show, I’m also in Fifth Avenue Gallery with this piece, called Arrival.
I submitted my piece Reflections, to Fiber Art call for entry and was accepted into their magazine, as well as displayed in the Iowa museum. This piece reminded me of my mother taking me to the ballet, every year for my birthday, which made it a special event. I had this piece in my heart, when I created Reflections
I’m in the process of working on a layered portrait piece of my grandchildren, entitled Loving Sisters. This will be on display at the - Vero Beach Art Club later in April. This technique is based on a photo that is posterized. It is created with a layered piecing technique.
Loving Sisters