IMAGINE MUSEUM – Inspiration at its finest!
This article is a glimpse of how I am inspired to make textile art from museum visits. I want to share this particular museum and exhibits because the memory has stayed with me over the years and the art continues to inspire me. I hope they inspire you too.
Transitioning from traditional patchwork to fiberart
I have been quilting for more than 45 years. I started this journey with library books, thrift store clothing, fabric scraps and hand quilting.
Is it Worthy?
It took me a lifetime to allow myself the “luxury” of making art purely for pleasure, rather than feeling like everything I do has to have “worth.” What is “worth” anyway? As defined by The American Heritage Dictionary, it is “the quality that renders something desirable, useful or valuable” and “material or market value.”
Should ART be framed
Should art be framed? It is common practice to frame paintings, collages, and most 2D artworks. And it is common practice to not frame tapestries. So what about art quilts? Florida artist Regina Dunn discusses her thoughts about framing art quilts.