Fiber is ART
by Frieda Anderson
Fiber is part of the art world. Fiber Artist create works of art out of fabric, paint, dye, embellishment and much more. We work with all combinations of medium to make our ideas come to life.
September 5, 2024, Ellen Simon and Frieda Anderson attended the opening of Create 2024 at the Art Center Manatee, Brandenton FL.
Ellen, Frieda and Maggie Dillon Designs, Art Quilter, all SAQA POD 3 Florida members, had pieces in this show.
Maggie's piece, Morning Maidens merited a 3rd place ribbon, and Ellen's landscape won an honorable mention. A good night for fiber at an art show.
Maggie Dillion's fabric collage "Morning Maidens"
Ellen Simon's fabric collage, "Beach Landscape"
Frieda Anderson's piece "Reaching for the Light"