“Black Women: Music of the Heart & Soul”
Carole Lyles Shaw Artist Talk on Friday, January 5, 5:30-7 p.m.
Textile collages that celebrate Black women singers, songwriters, and composers. (December 19, 2023) Art Center Sarasota’s 2023-2024 exhibition season continues with an exhibit by SAQA FL member Carole Lyles Shaw.
Carole Lyles Shaw
In “Black Women: Music of the Heart & Soul,” Carole Lyles Shaw celebrates Black women singers, songwriters, and composers who played groundbreaking roles in the history of many music genres, from opera to country to hip-hop. The work is grounded in traditional forms of quilt-making but presented through a contemporary lens with color, pattern and content. (Artist Talk is Friday, January 5, 5:30-7 p.m.)
Ellas Jazz Garden
“These works are what I call ‘spirit portraits,’” says Shaw. “A spirit portrait is a textile collage based on the techniques of quilt-making. A spirit portrait represents the essence of an individual within their personal and historical context. I consciously employed different design styles, including vintage and Afrofuturism, to celebrate the individual’s importance in a contemporary light. I make each portrait unique by incorporating thematically relevant new and repurposed fabrics and embellishments to create these one-of-a-kind works.”
Visit Carole’s Portfolio on this website.
Carole Lyles Shaw
Modern Quilter | Workshop Teacher & Lecturer | Quilt Designer
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/carole.l.shaw.7