Where do your ideas come from?
by Gabriele DiTota
A common question asked of me is ‘Where do the ideas for your art come from?’ What seems like an easy question is perplexingly difficult to answer, and is likely different for every artist you ask. For myself, I would have to say that my art is a product of living my life. Everything that I see, hear and read about may influence me and make an appearance in my pieces.
The world around me has always been reflected in my work. The calming colors of blue and green in foliage, water and sky appear often. I also use the power of the sun to create fabrics using Cyanotype chemicals. These fabrics are then included in my art. Both ‘Bewildered’ and ‘Let it Grow’ make use of cyanotypes in the leaves and fronds.
The power of music inspires me all the time. The Beatles and rock and roll were influences on my early years. At this time, before music videos and MTV, we filled the spaces in our heads with our imaginations. ‘The Fool on the Hill’ is my representation of the fool from the song, of the same title, that appeared on the 1967 Magical Mystery Tour album by the Beatles.
Fool on the hill.